house in never never

for their design of house in never, never land they made four major decisions; 

to minimize tree and shrub removal or pruning on the allotment, raise more than 80% of the building mass on piles to avoid any sort of disturbance on the ground  (paving, crops, watering or other input) which might eventually alter its properties, clustering all the waste filtering and treatment equipment and compensating for the amount of substrate affected by the foundation by including an equivalent mass of substrate in various parts of the skin around the buildings, mixed with a water-retaining gelatin to reproduce the moister of original soil in shallower conditions. the design work began with phase 0, consisting on the close scrutiny and mapping of every tree and shrub. the geometries of the project were  then adapted correspondingly and the construction was inscribed in the space 
available in between the threes, which thus flow through the building interiors.

zdroj: designboom